So, I saw
The Watch staring Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn, and Jonah Hill primarily. The first thing I will say about this is that I enjoyed this movie. However, I need to make a few things clear. This movie wasn't that good. I saw it in a group of my friends, all of which were dudes, after a long work week. This movie is one of those that is only good if you see it in the theaters with a group. This is not something I will ever rent or buy on DVD because, honestly, the movie wasn't that great. It worked because of who I was with. That being said, let's move on.
Doesn't really tell you much about the movie, does it? |
Ben Stiller plays a Costco store manager who starts club after club in his quiet Ohio town to fill the space inside him created by his own feelings of shame and in adequacy because he's sterile and can't give his wife a child. But that last bit doesn't come up til later. He adds the neighborhood watch to his list of clubs after his night time security guard is killed and skinned. 3 people turn out: Vince the obnoxious loudmouth who basically does what he wants and doesn't listen to Ben's character at all; Jonah who's character is, well, psychotic; and Richard Ayoade who's been in nothing you've ever seen but seems normal enough and pretty up key despite being an alien. That last bit comes later.
The 4 men drive around aimlessly to see if they can find the guard's killer. The sad thing is that there are only 5 police officers in this whole town, so ironically the neighborhood watch almost matches the police forces. Anyway, they're driving along and they hit something. They don't see that it's an alien, but they do see that he's dropped something, some kind of ball. A ball which, when fingered by enough guys who of course make countless sexual innuendos fires a laser that basically scans and envelopes an object in energy before making it explode. So far it sounds cool, right? Like I said, this is a movie that is going to be funny for a group of guys. There are a ton of sexual innuendos. But not sex jokes. There's a difference. A BIG difference between the two. Innuendos are much funnier by the way. This movie is chock-full of these.
Now available at Costco: the Beef Cooker 3000. When you have a live cow right now and you need a burger in 2 secs. |
But not to say that this movie is nothing but innuendos, it's not. There's a few good scenes and few good lines. Actually there were a bunch of good lines. To wrap this up, if you're a high schooler, college guy, had a long week at work, or just like Vince Vaunghn and you're going with a group you'll like this movie. But this will lose it's charm the fewer people you have watching. Charm drops exponentially when the fewer with the fewer guys that are watching it too.
Final Thoughts: I enjoyed it, but it's not a great movie.