Friday, December 28, 2012

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - Written Review

Okay, let me say right up front that I liked this movie.  And that this review isn't going to be very unbiased.  Unlike my last written review where I explained that drama movies aren't my cup of tea, well this movie is.  I am this movie's target audience.  I am an easy mark for this movie.  This is a movie that I can watch over and over again and I won't get tired of it.  That being said I do understand the aspects of the movie that people had problems with who didn't like it.  The movie being, the prequel to Lord of the Rings trilogy - The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.

A.K.A.: The Hobbit Pt1
For those of you who are fans of the LotR movies, but haven't read the books you probably have complaints.  For those of you who haven't seen LotR I honestly don't even know why you're watching this movie.  For avid fans and nerds, this movie is awesome and a must see.  Those out there know what I'm talking about.  There are so many nods to the LotR trilogy and Sauron and the ring and the importance of certain objects and events.  This movie is fantastic.  The biggest complaint from people who saw this movie this: it's too damn long and it didn't feel like LotR.  Well, you're right about the second part.  This movie is not like LotR.  JRR Tolkien wrote The Hobbit to be more of a children's story.  Dark at some points, but a children's story none the less.

"...will be expected to make all coffee runs for the group"?  What?
This isn't a story against a magical dark lord, or the destruction of an ultimate weapon, sneaking behind enemy lines, where the fate of the who world hangs in the balance.  It's not.  So many people have been disappointed going into this movie because they didn't get that.This movie isn't the epic of LotR, so don't expect it.  Yes there are chase scenes and some great battle scenes, which are even cartoonish at times.  But no armies fighting each other.  That being said, this movie still delivers a great story and a good show.  The graphics, the costumes, the art design, the directing, the editing are still everything that you'd expect from Peter Jackson.  And while it's not the epic of LotR it's still fells very much like a story from Middle Earth.

Get in my belly!!!

In conclusion, I can't point out enough how I believe that this movie was made for the fans of the book and the LotR trilogy.  This movie is not for your casual movie goer or none fan of the fantasy genre or LotR.  This movie is for us fans.  Again, this review isn't really a fair one, because I just eat this sh*t up.  I love this stuff.  This isn't right down my alley, it IS the alley.  So, again, speaking from a big fan of LotR and fantasy - GO SEE THIS MOVIE!

Film Crazy Adam strongly STRONGLY approves and recommends this movie.

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