Bond. James Bond has been played by 9 different men in 23 films. The latest of which has been generating some real noise to different extents for varying reasons. The overall consensus is that this film is mindblowingly fantastic. It is said to be incredible, awesome beyond belief. Rumored to be the best bond movie ever, that no Bond movie will ever be as good as this ever again. That doesn't really tell you about the movie does it? How was the plot, the acting, the directing, was it easy to follow, how was the pacing, did it feel like a Bond movie? How was the new Bond movie?
Brought to you by MGM, despite them filing for bankruptcy. |
First and foremost to answer your question, yes there is one scene where he drinks a Heineken, which to so many people was sacrilege and betrayal. How dare Bond drink ANYTHING that wasn't a martini. Really? You're gonna bitch about that? Because he does drink those later. But other than that this Bond movie was...well, a Bond movie. It's exactly what you'd expect from a Bond movie. Except for the gadgets. So far the Daniel Craig Bond has used surprisingly few gadgets. No laser watches, no ejector seats (though he threatens to use one in this movie), no cloaking devices, nothing really more than a gun and a GPS. This movie didn't break from the Bond of the last two movies.
Yeah, I have a really big. You know what I mean. |
That being said, this movie did ramp up the action from the last one. But I can't for the life of me see why people are basically worshiping this movie. Was it good? Not really. It had so many absurd aspects that are so alien from the Bond franchise. Was it a religious experience? No. Not for nothing, but this movie has a ton of plot holes. A TON. While Javier Bardem is a ridiculously good actor and steals the show after he shows up, his character is literally the Joker from Batman. He's broken on a mental level and does things just to screw with M and Bond. He has no overall goal, but to screw with these two people. Why is he a Bond villain if he's not trying to take over the world on some level? He really doesn't have any goal other than that. It's understandable why he hates M. But why does he hate Bond so much? There's no reason. And you have the new Q who starts talking about changing a few numbers here and here on the net and claims he can collapse entire countries before tea time. Not to say that this is a bad movie and you shouldn't see.
Being attacked by a giant flying glowing jellyfish. We should run. |
In conclusion, was this movie a good Bond movie? No. Was it a good movie overall? I guess. It certainly was entertaining. Was this a great movie? No. This was a real departure from the feel of what a Bond movie used to feel like, because I will argue that this wasn't a Bond movie. Just because it had a guy named James Bond in it doesn't make it a Bond movie. To be fair, Bond movies were never known for their lack of plot holes. They were known for James Bond kicking ass and taking names...and then sleeping with those names. None of which happens in this movie.
Film Crazy Adam does not recommend this movie.
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