Sunday, September 30, 2012

Hotel Transylvania - Written Review

So, I've been busy working on new reviews and haven't been to the movies to see anything new.  To be fair, there wasn't really anything I wanted to see for the last month and a half.  However, there was one movie that I was looking forward to.  I've been waiting all September for this.  It's directed by the guy who created Dexter's Lab and Samurai Jack and stars Adam Sandler as Dracula.  This past weekend I checked out "Hotel Transylvania."
Hotel Transylvania, where the dead rest.
Before I say anything about this movie let me preface with saying that I can't remember the last time I saw a more truthful trailer for a movie.  If you want to know the feel, the mood, and the story of this movie this trailer says it all.  Now about the movie.  This movie is great.  Really, it's the best feel good movie I've seen all year.  The story is outline in the trailer, but in a nut shell Dracula builds a hotel for all the monster where they can stay and not have to worry about humans finding them.  However, a young man (human) accidentally finds his way to the hotel where he and Drac's daughter fall in love.  Drac tries to conceal that he's human so the other monsters won't freak out.  He tries to send the kid off, but hilarity and mayhem ensues.
That awkward moment you realize you forgot to bring the hand grenades for the raid.
This movie is hilarious.  The majority of the humor in this movie is actually watching the reactions the characters have to each other when something unexpected happens.  These characters have the most expressive faces I think I've ever seen outside of an anime.  They're great, they're over-exaggerated, and best of all they're funny.  Especially Dracula.  These characters really wear their hearts on their sleeves.  But that's not all.  This movie is riddled with really great sight-gags reminiscent of Looney Tunes.  If you like the humor in Looney Tunes, Dexter's Lab, or Johnny Bravo then you'll really enjoy this movie's brand of funny.  But wait, there's more.  In addition to the faces and the sight-gags it's all back by a really great script and great actors.
Gravity?  What gravity?  I don't know what you're talking about.
Adam Sandler and all the VA's are fantastic.  You can tell the great chemistry is there and that they had fun making this.  This movie features every single monster in classic horror plus some.  The jokes and action and story are fast paced and they pack a lot into a 90 min movie.  I would recommend this movie to anyone who has kids or anyone just looking to see a funny movie.  This is a great example of making a great funny movie with the need to add profanity, explosions, dirty humor, or nudity.  We need more movies that tell a good story without resorting to cheap tricks.  Overall, this is a great movie which I am most likely going to see again.

Film Crazy Adam approves and recommends this movie.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Snow White and the Huntsman - "I Heard That Movie Sucks" Review

If you ever wonder how Film Crazy Adam became crazy.  Well, here's a good example.  There are so many people who say this movie isn't that bad.  But Film Crazy Adam feels differently.  With plotholes that would make Dr. Who stop and ask "are you serious?" how can anyone consider this movie any good?  But many do.  Don't know what I'm talking about?  That's because you haven't seen what I've seen.  Pained through what I have pained through.  Truly the lies that I've been lied to.  Check out the newest episode of "I Heard That Movie Sucks."  See if you agree or disagree with Film Crazy Adam.  Or at the very least watch him lose his mind.




Friday, September 28, 2012

The Thing (2011) - "I Heard That Movie Sucks" Review

Film Crazy Adam returned shortly after Arthur 2011 with another 2011 movie: The Thing prequel.  Well, you didn't know it was a prequel going into it, but that didn't make it any better.  This movie is based on one of the best horror movies ever made.  The question is did this movie really suck despite being a box office bomb and getting bad feedback?  Was there a need for a remake/prequel?  Did it add anything to the story as we already knew it?  Find out these answer and more.  And also get a lot more questions in this episode of "I Heard That Movie Sucks."



Arthur (2011) - "I Heard That Movie Sucks" Review

Welcome, officially to "I Heard That Movie Sucks."  The review where we take a second look at a movie that you most likely haven't seen because you've heard from someone that it sucks.  Either way, we're going to take a look and see if this movie really does suck like you heard.  And to kick off my series, here is my first episode where I took a close look at the 2011 remake of "Arthur."  Yeah this is from back in January.  This summer has been something else.  I mean, REALLY something.  Enjoy.  Here's parts 1 and 2.



Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Hobbit - New Trailer

One of the first series of books I ever read when I was about 7 was J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit."  And that of course lead into "The Lord of the Rings," to this day one of my favorite book series of all time.  Not the easiest of reads by any stretch, mind you.  I was super impressed with the LotR trilogy and am looking forward to part 1 of "The Hobbit."  Here's the newest trailer for the movie.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Update: New eps of "IHTMS"

Hey, all!  Film Crazy Adam here and I know it's been many months since the last episode of "I heard that movie sucks," but new episodes are on the way!  "From Paris with love" is going onto the back burner for an indeterminate amount of time and will be replaced by "Snow White and the Huntsman."  There's also a pretty complex and lengthy review that, God willing, will be out before the end of this month that I've been working on literally all summer.  What is that one about, you ask?  You'll see soon enough.  Suffice to say that a LOT of time and effort and research and editing and reviewing and, well, stuff has gone into this review.  Anyway, please look forward to new eps of "I heard that movie sucks."  More to come soon.

Also, I was going to do a written review of "Gangster Squad," which was supposed to come out a week or so ago.  But it's been pushed back to January 2013 for a very simple reason: the movie theater shooting in Colorado.  There's a scene that can be seen in the trailer where a bunch of gangster with tommy-guns start shooting up a movie theater.  So, understanding that it was a bit too soon to show that in theaters Hollywood has tastefully pushed it back to January.  I'll let you know what I think when it comes out.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Jack the Giant Killer - Trailer

So here's a trailer from back in late December of last year.  Classic fairytale movie for the big screen.  But it hasn't been released yet.  The trailer says June 2012, but I can tell you that it didn't come out then, because if it had it would've been part of Film Crazy Adam's Top 11 Movies for this past summer.  Now I haven't heard when it's going to be released or why it's been pushed back.  The reason for the push back maybe the fact that there were 2 fairytale movies coming out around the same time ("Mirror Mirror" & "Snow White and the Huntsman").  But whatever the reason this was one that I was anticipating.  It's directed by Bryan Singer and I like most of his stuff (yes, I even like "Superman Returns," but not because it's a good movie.  I'm not that crazy).  But this looks like it could be good.  I'll let you know when I hear anything about the new release date.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters - Trailer

So, as if Abe Lincoln: Vamp Hunter wasn't good enough for you (and frankly it was a fun theater experience, but overall was lacking) we now have Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters.  Up front, Film Crazy Adam is interested in this one.  Why?  It's reminiscent of Van Hellsing with Hugh Jackman, which Film Crazy Adam enjoys and it has Jeremy Renner in it.  This looks fun.  Fun and a bit ridiculous.  This looks like a good sequel to the classic fairy tale with a bit of action and some cool fight scenes.  There's usually at least one movie to look forward to in January, and assuming the world doesn't end in December, I'm gonna check this out.