Sunday, June 30, 2013

Went to the Movies: Equestria Girls Review

I gotta say, I smiled the entire time watching this movie.  It was a bit silly, but I liked.  File this under "guilty pleasure."

Monday, June 24, 2013

Life with Ponies - Ep 7

Sometimes there's just no excuse.

WARNING: no actual cereal was harmed in the making of this video.


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Went to the Movies: World War Z

Not entirely what I was expecting.  Though to be fair I didn't know what to expect with this one.

Additional thoughts: this movie gets a pass when it comes to not sticking 100% to the story for a number of reasons.  1) it was well acted.  2) there was a coherent story.  3) good pacing.  Also, just the way the book was written it was going to be impossible to put even 1/4 of everything from the book in this movie.  The way the movie ends has nothing to do with the book.  In truth, it can be argued that this movie isn't the story of the book.  And it isn't.  It was used as inspirational material for this script.  But this movie is by no means is the same story as the book.

So, is this a good zombie movie?  Yes.  Is it a good adaptation of the book.  NO!  Fans of the book will probably not like this movie.  But Film Crazy Adam approves and recommends this movie.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Went to the Movies: Man of Steel

And it SUCKed!!!1!

Life with Ponies - Ep6

All this craziness is enough to drive a crazy guy even more crazy. So many ponies keep showing up at Film Crazy Adam's apartment that it's hard to keep track of them all. Something arrives in the mail for Dashie, a package that may be more than it seems.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Life with Ponies - Ep5

I should really be asleep right now.  It's late.  While one pony tries to help me off to Princess Luna's dream realm somepony else is being a real pain in the flank.